The first Brian Boru sprint Triathlon organized by Ennis Triathlon Club in aid of Share A Dream Foundation, was held at Twomile Gate Killaloe, over four hundred competitors took part in three stages, 750mtr Swim, 22km Cycle, and a 5km run. The course is one of the most grueling in Ireland.
Killaloe Coast Guard Unit with two boats and land crews were responsible for the safety on the water and were assisted by six local kayakers, three jet skies from the local jet ski club, boat and divers from Killaloe Ballina Search and Recovery. On the shore the Ennis Civil Defense had two ambulances and back up vehicles and traffic was controlled by local garda.
From the water event there were three persons brought to shore by safety boats of which one was taken by Civil defense Ambulance to Killaloe Shandoc for further check up and later released.
Other miner incidents arose from the cycle section with minor cuts and grazes.
It was a great event with the winning time of 1hr 17minutes 58secs
8th 0f August 2009
Weather rain for the swim which became dry and sunny for the remainder of the triathlon.